Meeting With Joe Robertson MP

Meeting With Joe Robertson MP

Our meeting with Joe was very productive.

We covered many bases in our joint strategy to push this campaign. We want him to challenge Visit Isle of Wight (who have WL managers as their directors). We feel the real decline in numbers travelling to the island is directly attributable to the cost of ferry fares. Yet it appears that there are incidents when VIOW are promoting WL rather than the island. There appears to be a conflict of interest with the promotion of WL business being an aspect of its business.

As we all know business owners are suffering from this demise in footfall.

Next, we have asked Joe to promote our aims with county councillors. We have noticed very few have ferries in their portfolios. We need all with any influence to join us in promoting our island communities with making travel financially accessible. If all of our councillors could replicate the pressure that Cllr Love, Jarman, Jordan, Quigley, Robertson and Lilley this would be a powerful and United thrust. This isn’t a party political issue. It transcends this.

Next, we have asked Joe to approach WL to secure improvements with our multi-link passes - extending them to include our mainland family and friends members. And to extend the allocation of spaces on ferries.

WUG mentioned the statistics that WL espouse are false and misleading, as are their adverts: ‘keeping people together’, we would like him to support us in challenging this misinformation and manipulation of facts.

Many thousands of islanders cannot afford multilinks - they need affordable fares - they need access to opportunities to extend their lives and ambition. WUG feels strongly that lower educational outcomes is directly attributable to the ferries; many young people are restricted and recruitment of educational professionals is affected becaise of cost.

Next, we discussed at length, NHS provision of health care. Again, many people cannot afford to travel for their healthcare appointments. WUG feels that this is a joint priority for ferry, the IOW council and NHS.

We feel that the £5 fare paid by the Residents of the Scilly isles should be replicated here. We feel we are discriminated against and our residents deserve healthcare that they can access.

Nationwide recruitment of NHS staff is difficult; however, we are further penalised because of costs and access (because of unreliability) . Many health procedures are only available on the mainland because we cannot secure suitably qualified staff.

Lastly, we urged for Joe to work in tandem with the excellent work that Richard is doing. This was unnecessary as he is completely onboard and active in this area. Along with Richard he is in full support of us gaining an audience with the transport, health and business ministers and the three members of the House of Lotds who are supporting us. As many of you will know, Vix Lowthion, continues to work on this with her party and Dame Jenny Jones and Natalie Bennet. Both of whom have met with WUG to push our aims.

Joe feels that our plans are admirable and supports our group unequivocally- our grass roots group is strong and not likely to be keeping quiet anytime soon.

Our meeting was focussed and full. We hope that Joe and Richard continue as they have to drive a better ferry service that is regulated (with a public service obligation) and, ultimately, a not for profit service that serves as a public service. One that pays tax for the public purse . One that is customer focussed not shareholder profit driven.

Next stop is Parliament. We are a steam train!

P.s we also mentioned toilets, cash payments!

Richmond House, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 1JD
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Better Services For Wightlink Users

The Wightlink User Group is an independent organisation advocating for improved cross-Solent ferry services that better meet the needs of commuters and travellers. We are committed to ensuring fair and equal access to transportation across the Solent.

Read more from Better Services For Wightlink Users

HOME NEWS ABOUT The Islanders' Charter 2024.pdf For Immediate Release: A ground-breaking collaboration between the Island’s political leaders has led to the creation of an Islanders’ Charter, outlining key priorities for cross-Solent ferry services. The document sets the framework for meeting the Island's needs while balancing commercial considerations. The innovative approach was agreed by Councillor Phil Jordan, Leader of the Isle of Wight Council, IW East MP Joe Robertson and IW West MP...

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HOME NEWS ABOUT Please find attached several documents for your perusal. PRESS RELEASE - High Ferry Costs Undermine Isle of Wight Connectivity Call f.pdf WUG Report on Impact to NHS services Islanders Health (2).pdf WUG-Report_Why-is-IOW-Ferry-travel-so-expensive_Oct2024.pdf Wightlink-The-Money-The-Group-The-People.pdf Read Previous Newsletters Here Richmond House, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 1JDUnsubscribe · Preferences

HOME NEWS ABOUT Response from the Department for Transport to WUG Please take a minute to read the letter sent from the DfT to WUG in response to recent correspondence. Follow this link: Read story Richmond House, Ryde, Isle of Wight PO33 1JDUnsubscribe · Preferences